Sunday 30 May 2010

Entry 8

Topic: Greece in trouble

Article 1: Australia

Turkey to support debt-stricken Greece

As Greece is entering financial trouble Turkey’s leader is creating a “groundbreaking” trip to Greece in a way to create a solution to Greece’s debt as well as trying to aid their relations as long-time rivals. The two rivals created a surprising turn in event as Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed with pledging mutual support and friendship, creating a historic day for both Greece and Turkey. The Turkish leader wanted to help Greece in their troubles with debt. In an extraordinary step the two now allied countries signed 21 cooperation accords in fields such as tourism and technology, and openly discussed scaling back on the costly arms race that has long divided the two.

Article 2: Cyprus

Greece in distress: rescued by the EU

Greece has gone under some intense international scrutiny and Prime Minister George Papandreou has been trying to convince foreign investors ant the EU that Greece will put its house in order and reduce its government deficit and public debt. Greece’s public spending will have to be cut, taxes will have to be raised and wages will have to be declined. The EU approved the rough measures. There is not much the EU can do to help Greece apart from making sure that these measures are executed. A fine balancing act will have to be performed by the EU and its member states. The EU cannot be easy on Greece for it has scorned EU rules. For some time Greece has constantly provided false information to the European Commission. This has qualified Greece to enter the eurozone on the basis of false information. But for other Member States they cannot do nothing and watch Greece go bankrupt.

Article 3: United Kingdom

Second firm with draws drugs from Greece over cuts

As the Greek government is struggling with a debit crisis another pharmaceutical company is withdrawing products from Greece in protest at the government’s decision to cut the prices of medicines by 25%. The Leo Pharma Company has declared that it is suspending its sales of two popular drugs because of the reductions of price that will cause job across Europe. The decision by Leo Pharma of suspending the distribution of an anti blood-clotting agent and as a remedy for psoriasis has taken Greece closer to a boycott by other medical suppliers. Leo Pharma claims it is owed 37million euros by Greece. The senior director of the company said that the 25% reduction would encourage other countries to do something similar with large debt problems.


Greece is in a great financial trouble forcing them to create price reductions. The Country has been encountering various riots by the citizens of the Country rebelling to the Government. Greece is trying to make this right by creating price reductions of imported items such as in the pharmaceutical area, but by doing this the citizens of Greece will have lack of medicine. I believe that the EU is doing the right thing of creating a type of punishment dealing with the lies they have told in entering the EU.

Entry 7

Topic: Storm strikes Guatemala

Article 1: United States

Storm kills 18 in Central America

According to CNN’s report on the storm that him Central America 12 people were said to be killed and left 22 missing in Guatemala, and 6 have died in El Salvador due to the rains from the tropical storm Agatha. The highest warning level was triggered (red alert) which shut down many schools and evacuated many affected areas, where around 100 families have been said to be placed in shelters. In Guatemala the storm forced the evacuation of around 61,000 people and damaged around 3.500 homes according to the nation’s emergency office on Sunday. Civilians living Guatemala have said that the rain has stopped and the sun is coming out.

Article 2: United Kingdom

Ash-Covered Guatemala Lashed by Storm,_Heavy_Rain_And_Mudslides:_Agatha_Hits_Country_Amid_Volcano_Eruptions

The heavy rain that has affected Guatemala has been blamed for the deaths of 12 people. The people of Guatemala have encountered the ash from the erupting volcano as well as the storm creating a double disaster. The tropical storm Agatha has affected Guatemala only three days after the eruption of the Pacaya volcano. The authorities have said that the rain might mix with the ash creating some type of cement-mud that could jeopardize the evacuation routes placed for the civilians. Cesar George of Guatemala’s meteorological institute has declared that the rain they got in over 30 hours was about the amount they would have gotten within a month.

Article 3: Middle East

Deadly storm strikes Guatemala

The powerful tropical storm that stuck Guatemala brought torrential rains that have added to the damage also created by an erupting volcano not long ago. The tropical storm Agatha has killed 12 people and left around 11 people missing. The rain, mudslides and floods forced around 3,000 people to flee their homes. The ash from the Pacaya volcano that covered most of Guatemala City with ash has forced the closure of the capital’s international airport. It is said that the storm is expected to dump at least 75cm of rain on Guatemala, south-eastern Mexico as well as El Salvador.


The Guatemalan government has done a good job evacuating most of the victims of the storm. This disturbance will defiantly occur again due to the storm seasons happening now around Central America. I’ve never witnessed this much rain in Guatemala in the 4 years I have lived there so possibly throughout the years the rain with continue to grow in quantity and could create more damage. But the timing of the Volcano and the Storm has created a much bigger crisis in Guatemala and the other parts of Central America

Monday 24 May 2010

Entry 6

Topic: Gulf Oil Spill

The recent oil spill that has occurred near the Gulf coast has had a great effect on today’s world. The oil has affected the wildlife and marine life near the Gulf coast, it is said that the damage to the ecosystem could probably be irreplaceable. The oil spill from the ocean floor has been reported to be much larger than initial reports. Ships are placing miles of booms that will suck up the oil from the water trying to separate the land from the water, even though the booms are there, there is still oil leaking though to some parts of coast as well as Louisiana.

Article 1: UK

Us warns it may “push BP aside” on Gulf oil clean-up

The oil firm BP may be pushed out of the way if it fails to perform in the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster clean-up. The interior Secretary Ken Salazar said the British company had missed deadline after deadline in its effort to seal a blown-out oil well. But he said B had agreed to pay clean-up costs beyond the current US $75m liability limit. The interior Secretary Mr. Salazar is due to visit the disaster with various other officials. The oil leak began more than a month ago, when a drilling rig operated on behalf of BP exploded, killing 11 people. Tens of thousands of barrels of oil has spewed into the ocean 5000 ft beneath the surface. This oil spill has reached Louisiana and is threatening Florida and Cuba

Article 2: USA

Gulf Coast oil spill could eclipse Exxon Valdez

The oil slick could become the nations worst environmental disaster in decades, threatening hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife along the Gulf Coast. The leak from the ocean floor proved to be far bigger than initially reported. Cade Thomas a fishing guide in Venice says that BP lied and came out and said it was leaking 1,000 barrels when it was much more. The Coast Guard worked with BP which operated the oil rig that exploded and sank last week, to deploy floating booms, skimmers and chemical dispersants and set controlled fires to burn the oil off the waters surface.

Article 3: Australia

Gulf oil reaches powerful ocean current

According to private forecasters at AccuWeather, tendrils from the massive rust-colored oil slick have already entered the powerful Loop Current curling around the Florida Peninsula, which could take it east to the Florida Keys and possibly to Miami and Cuba within eight to ten days. BP has marked some progress at siphoning some of the oil from the 1.6 kilometer deep well to an ocean vessel on the surface. BP is now siphoning about 3,000 barrels per day of oil says the assistant interior secretary Tom Strickland. B declined to comment on Mr. Strickland’s new estimate which is up from about 2,000 barrels a day that BP said it is capturing.


I think that the people in charge of the oil clean-up should double their efforts so help the current situation, many creatures have been affected by this oil spill such as birds and fish that depend on the ocean to survive. Possibly in the future a company such as BP can be able to provide a faster more efficient plan to clean-up oil spills that can be put to action as soon as one occurs or come up with a solution to possibly make a way to prohibit any form of this occurring again.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Entry 5

Topic: NY Bomb suspect nearly escapes to Dubai

Faisal Shahzad was considered to be the suspect of the attempted bombing on New York’s Time Square. Faisal Shahzad was arrested on a Dubai bound plane at JFK airport where the customs agents who were checking the passenger list before the departure of the plane who happened to be added to the government’s no-fly list earlier that Monday. Faisal Shahzad left a car containing a bomb made from fertiliser, fireworks, petrol and propane gas tanks was left in Times Square on Saturday, a street vendor alerted the police when he saw a smoking car that was left on with hazard lights.

Article 1: UK

NY bomb suspect 'nearly escaped US' on Dubai flight

Bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad admitted to the attempt of bombing New York’s Time Square, Faisal Shahzad was trained at a militant training camp in the lawless Pakistani tribal region of Waziristan. The Pakistan-born US citizen received training in bomb making in the camp. The bomb that was made consisted of fertiliser, fireworks, petrol and propane gas tanks was left in a car at New York’s Time Square where a street vendor noticed a car that was smoking with hazard lights.

Article 2: USA

N.Y. Bomb Plot Suspect Charged With Terrorism

The bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad drove a sport utility vehicle packed with explosives into the heart of New York’s Time Square, was charged with terrorism and attempting to use a wearpon of mass destruction in the failed attempt bombing. In a federal complaint prosecutors accused Shahzad of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, attempting to kill U.S citizens and carrying a destructive device. Faisal Shahzad launched the plot in December 2009, according to a sworn statement from FBI agent Andrew Pachtman. When he was captured he told authorities he had recently reveived bomb making training in Waziristan, Pakistan.

Article 3: Australia

FBI 'lost track' of New York bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad

The FBI lost track of New York bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad over the attempted Times Square bombing, with questions now being asked as to why he was able to board an international flight that almost left New York. Prosecutors have filed terrorism charges against Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani-American accused of planting a car bomb in the crowded centre of Manhattan on Saturday, but the bomb failed to go off. The 10-page criminal complaint accuses Mr. Shahzad of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. Investigators did not know he was planning to fly abroad until a final passenger list was sent to officials at the federal Customs and Border Protection agency minutes before takeoff.


I believe that the US government should be more alert to the idea that anyone could perform this task and could easily get away as Faisal Shahzad almost did. After 9/11 I would have assumed that there would have been a better tracking system of people who were declared to be on a “No-fly list”. I think that Americas airport security should be more advanced and prepared to these situations more in the future.